Investigation and conservative therapy of stress, mixed and postural incontinence

Therapy for stress incontinence is not just about strengthening, because the pelvic floor muscles have a great tendency to overload, which can then worsen the incontinence.

The therapy therefore includes, first of all, examination of the pelvic floor muscles. If the muscles are in spasm, I will teach you exercises for relaxation and then also exercises for strengthening.

The examination takes place similarly to a gynecologist, i.e. vaginally. But it is up to you if you want to complete this, we can easily agree that I will first examine you externally and advise what and how to exercise. However, if this does not bear fruit, I recommend a vaginal examination, because this is the only way we will know exactly how your pelvic floor is doing.

The examination is carried out first lying on the back, then sitting and finally standing.

You will learn to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor in its 3 layers and also to relax these muscles in different ways. Taking care of the muscles of the pelvic floor is mainly about re-examining the entire area rather than just strengthening. Often our pelvic floor is somehow disconnected and then classic exercise does not bring the desired effect.

It’s not right away and sometimes you need to use suitable tools, which I will of course show you and you can try if this would be suitable for you. In the case of zero or minimal pelvic floor muscle strength, I also have the Pericalm device, which you can borrow at home, Educator or Kegel8 weights – in the case of greater than minimum pelvic floor strength.

The check-up is suitable 4-6 weeks after the initial examination, during which time you need to work step by step on your pelvic floor at home. You can supplement the therapy with heating, vaginal suppository or even visceral manipulation.

If you feel any discomfort in your pelvic floor, consider whether now is the time to start addressing it.